Life in 409

This blog is about my quest to declutter my apartment. It focuses on clutter, decluttering, and the endless quest to separate the junk from the important stuff - at home and in life.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My evening, last night.
  • 7:10pm Arrived home
  • 7:15pm Nursed baby (Okay, he's a toddler. Whatever.) while watching Spongebob Squarepants
  • 7:25pm Dinner. Mainly leftovers and food grubbed from a visit to the inlaws over the weekend. Tried in vain to instill conversation and manners into children who feel the need to stand on their chairs or walk away mid-sentence.
  • 8:00pm Debated with husband about whether he should do laundry (sheets, towels, underwear, etc.). It's been 2.5 weeks since we last washed those categories, the Boy has been wearing my socks and I may have to go commando pretty soon).
  • 8:15 Sat on bathroom floor wondering why hubby is allowing baby/toddler to walk through building hallways banging baseball bat on the floor. Hubby comes back to tell me downstairs neighbor complained. Duh?
  • 8:25 Hubby decides to do laundry after all.
  • 8:30ish After wandering around the apartment picking up various stray toys, papers, etc., decided to do 15 minutes in the hallway/dining room (which is Flylady's current Zone). I took the big basket that has been sitting on my table forever and decided I wanted it OFF my table. Sorted through it while watching wrestling with the Boy. Basket contained
    • several Christmas, birthday and anniversary cards from 2006
    • headset for cell phone that hubby never installed
    • blank thank you notecards from various kids bday parties
    • A few random already-WRITTEN thank you cards from various kids bday parties (UH. OOPS. Sorry. And thanks.)
    • Chunks of rock (coral?) from 2007 vacation
    • Art projects from school

    I was able to junk a lot of the cards (though I still kept a few), put away the blank cards, toss the thank yous that never got sent (sorry, REALLY), put the art projects in a different file (I want to get boxes to put away the best of the kids' schoolwork so I can toss the rest, I guess. Also need boxes for the cards I insist on saving).
    Now the basket is on a bookshelf and will be used for CURRENT stuff (ie, papers and mail that have to be dealt with within the week. That's the plan, anyway.
  • 9:00ish Flipped mattress for the first time in, er, years. The Girl and the baby/toddler watch in amazement. Also, I put on clean sheets.
  • Was thrilled not to worry about bedtimes since kids are off tomorrow.
  • around 10:00ish Attention divided - 50% watching Boston Legal and 50% coloring with the Girl.

What I didn't do: Dishes. Now there's a sink full.


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