Ways My 22 Month Old is Like a Puppy

This has nothing to do with moving, selling or clutter, but it's on my mind.
Keep in mind that I love children and I love dogs... would love to have a dog if I had the space, but I don't now. Plus my oldest is allergic, and my middle is afraid of them ever since my sister-in-law's shih-tzu bit her on the ear last spring, and my youngest... well... read on.
Ways My 22-Month Old is Like a Puppy
- If I am reading or working while spread out on the floor, he will come sit on whatever has my attention
- Runs to the refrigerator as soon as it is opened
- Insists on sharing my food
- Will steal any unattended food
- Runs to the door when I come home, blocking my entrance while greeting me
- Runs to the door if he senses I am about to leave
- Doesn't like to be on a leash (I tried out a kiddie-harness at BJ's. He got mad that I wouldn't let him hold the end himself. Did not buy.)
- Likes chasing dogs, squirrels, and balls
- Afraid of the vaccuum
- Makes a mess wherever he goes
- Full of energy
- Climbs on the furniture
- Adorable and cuddly
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