Life in 409

This blog is about my quest to declutter my apartment. It focuses on clutter, decluttering, and the endless quest to separate the junk from the important stuff - at home and in life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

When's the Day? Wednesday!

That's the day the realtor is coming to take photos for the listing. YIKES. Given that I will spend a good portion of the upcoming long weekend cleaning and neatening, I'm still worried. My fear is that my toddler will undo everything I've done in the space of time between me leaving for work at 8am and the realtor's arrival at 11am. He's fast like that.

Remember that scene in Poltergeist where the mom pushes all the kitchen chairs neatly under the table, turns away for 2 seconds, and turns back to find THIS?

Yeah. That's what I call Brandon-style.

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