Something completely different
Today I'm writing about a different kind of clutter - what Flylady calls "Body Clutter" - ie, the excess weight we are carrying around on our bodies.

I am 5 feet tall. Though some calculations recommend my weight be as low as 108, I feel and look happy when I am about 125. (I am curvy, particularly on top, and solidly built). In my 20s I fluctuated through the 120s... started rising after my second child was born. When she was about 2 1/2 (summer 2005), we took a vacation and the photos shocked me... I had really put on weight. I tipped the scales at about 144, higher than I'd ever seen when not pregnant. It finally got me moving.
I did a modified version of the Weight Watchers POINTS program using some old materials a friend had given me and some free websites for calculations (in other words, I didn't officially sign up or pay for WW). I had started this many times, but finally got serious. Over the next few months, I managed to get down to 128, where I looked and felt great. That was early 2006.

About 6 months later, I got pregnant. Maintained a pretty healthy weight. I nursed, which kept the pounds off. And as he grew and I nursed less and less, the pounds piled on again. And now, summer of 2009, I am right back where I was four years ago, at 144 pounds (and baby is just over 2 years old).
I made a few false starts already this summer, but I am starting yet again. I have had my morning coffee with a tablespoon of half and half. I am staring at a biscotti I brought from home, knowing it's 4 points and wondering if I should eat it (I'm not feeling hungry but it looks goooooood). For lunch I packed tuna (2 points, no mayo) with lettuce (no points) and 1/8 teaspoon of almonds (2 points for that little bit!!) We are probably eating dinner on the go tonight which already piles on the points, so perhaps I should skip the biscotti afterall.
By the way, looking at the two photos here (one from 2005 and one from 2006), I realize I don't look all that different. You might say the same if I posted one from today. In fact, these days people are constantly telling me I look great and asking me if I LOST weight. (It may be because I am trying to focus on my posture, and also because I finally traded in the nursing bras for some well-fitting, super-supportive models.) But I know myself. I know when my pants refuse to button at the waist and my skirts are too clingy and I know when I just feel fat. Fifteen pounds on a frame my size makes a big difference.
By the way - I FINALLY got the keys to my storage unit!!! I can't wait to start moving stuff in!
Of course I almost moved myself in there last night after freaking out and screaming at the 2 year old for dumping water all over the bathroom floor. I don't know what set me off but I had a full-on freak out. Instead of locking myself up, though, I took a walk. To Dunkin Donuts. And had a big iced mocha latte (with skim milk and no whipped cream). And a Boston Kreme donut. Soooo... we will do better today. Right?
Labels: babies, Crawling into a hole and hiding, Flylady, Frustration, Kids, Mom Stuff, Storage, Weight Loss
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